Our ambition is to propose an alternative to this gap by offering sports actors in
Africa (clubs, companies, institutions, organizations…) who want to build their
brands, develop their business...
Our ambition is to propose an alternative to this gap by offering sports actors in
Africa (clubs, companies, institutions, organizations…) who want to build their
brands, develop their business...
Our ambition is to propose an alternative to this gap by offering sports actors in
Africa (clubs, companies, institutions, organizations…) who want to build their
brands, develop their business...
Our founders realized that the sports landscape in Africa presents what could be considered a "paradox" for marketing professionals, as much as Africa is recognized as being endowed with potential, talent and a dense sports activity, the field of "sports marketing" taken as a whole was almost ‘’empty " of any structured professional occupation.
WORKFORCE OF PSO: 31 people spread over 03 countries (Casablanca-Douala-Kigali)
The holding company owns 70% of P.S.O Cameroon, 70% of P.S.O Morocco, 70% of P.S.O Kigali.
Based in Casablanca, PW is developing a portfolio of companies in the advertising sector:
FCB Agency Network
Analysis of the environment Strategic plan Brand building/Sport DNA Organization
Advice Digital Graphic Design Off line
Media Right TV Mobile media Right Media Buy Edition
Fan Experiences Sportive events BTL Sport Home Hospitality Human Resources
Image Strategy Press Relations Social Media Prospection, opportunities’ selection, rights to the image
Sponsoring Sportive partnerships with Sportive Federations Media partnerships
P.S.O. can help you in the idea, the design and the realization of your sporting events. P.S.O. also designs sporting events responding to your branding, notoriety research, image and Fan Experience concept issues.
Read MoreImage management advice for sportsmen and women
We draw up a Human Branding strategy based on Brand Essence from marketing tools and levers, in order to build the image and reputation of the athlete as a commercial and institutional brand.
Read MoreFECAFOOT (2009-2011)
– Management of press conferences
– Support in the development of MTN ELITE ONE (2009-2010-2011)
– Establishment of the MAN OF THE MATCH award
Corporate golf tournament played in each country and ending with a FINAL TOUR in an African country
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